2012. március 26., hétfő

Kraschau : Offenbarung

>> Kraschau is the city set upon the hill, thus it is cannot be hid. It is a capital of a Empire ruled by military order, christian tradition and discipline. This city could not be found on the maps, it is built in the hearts of those, who are seeking the light in theses dark times. <<

The debutalbum of Kraschau has been officially released by the coproduction of the argentinian label Twilight Records and the spanish label Gradual Hate.

>> The album was inspired by great empires and kingdoms of Europe, like the Austro-Hungarian Empire and Prussia and also 20th century christian and legitimist movements, eg. the Falange or the Carlists of the spanish civil war or Romania’s Legionary Movement. The lyrics are dealing with the themes of christian mysticism and the spirit of struggle - as opposed to the coward comfort of the modern world. <<

Unser Glaubensbekenntnis
Kennst Du Deine Farben? - featuring Bálint Bolgár
Teremts! - featuring Vespiary
Heiliger Krieg (Innere und Äußere)
Lux Mundi I (Der Schrift)
Lux Mundi II (K.U.K)
Egység és Rend - featuring Catharsi
Nekünk Mohács Kell! - featuring Gergő Sörös
Heimatslos (Epilog)